Saturday, December 1, 2007

Site Explanation

Well to explain why I chose the site name, a real good friend of mine, wife-y told me I'm not supposed to use real names because of those bad guy types out there, so sorry friend, but anyway, he started a Christian golf ministry that he wants to send to all the local churches in our area and use the proceeds to help a mission organization that our church sponsors and also at the end of the season help out local families in December for Christmas! So back to the name thing, as we were talking I volunteered myself to help him in anyway he needed because I was supportive of him and his purpose, he then appointed me VP for the inaugural season and welcomed me aboard. The season starts in February and ends in November, yes 10 months. Well the wife is used to me only playing quarterly at best so this once a month thing makes her feel like a golf widow! So for all of our friends out there now you know and could totally picture her saying and feeling this way, right?!?!

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